Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My dream job

When I was young, I had a dream.(I'm not Martin Luther King Jr.. Hence, I had.) I wanted to be a greatest and super duper famous scientist as like The Einstien. The great scientist could make a powerful bomb, then nobody threaten her. And, she could make a time machine. She could become a History. What a fantastic job it is! Yah, It was.
I knew that the scientist as like Einstien is rare after my dreaming childhood. Whatever my dream job was, I am a housewife now.
One more thing, I didn't have any experience of an unusual job, but I had an unusual experience of an usual job. When I was a university student, I took a internship at the government related office. Most works are boring and simple. I read books everyday at the office. For 1-1/2 months, I read 30 books. I swear to God the office was not a libary.

1 comment:

  1. Katie, I love your sense of humour - you have developed a great ironic style, maybe you should consider writing books for a living rather than just reading them!

    You were paid to read books? What a cool job! I think the only other people who get to read so much are people who are in prison :)

    I am waiting for the new book by Charles Yu called "How to survive in a science fiction universe" about a guy who repairs time machines and how people use them to go back and try to repair their failed relationships - it sounds cool.
